Empowering the Future

A Passion for Excellence

Software is a critical technology that transforms the world in powerful ways. Our future depends on software excellence. 

Commitment to Excellence

Technology is a foundational component on which human society is built, and software is increasingly at the heart of technology. Given its ever-increasing influence and effect on human life, health, and safety, software that is merely “good enough” is no longer good enough: It must be excellent, and excellent software requires excellent development practices, tools, techniques, and methodologies.

Who We Are

The Software Excellence Alliance is an international organization composed of individuals and organizations who share a passion for software development and a commitment to excellence in our practices. We provide a forum for networking, exchanging viewpoints, and sharing ideas and techniques that will help our users to achieve high-quality, customer-pleasing results while advancing the state of our collective practice.

Next Event

Being a Leader and Coder – A Survival Guide

Dylan Greiner

Being both a technical leader and an active software engineer at the same time raises many challenges. This  presentation will discuss various techniques and approaches to achieve a balance between technical leadership and software development.

December 8, 2021 – 4 PM US/Eastern

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”  Aristotle


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